Why Lawyers Are Not The Only One Who Can Help You With Joint Custody?

With Joint Custody And Child Support, sometimes you need a lawyer to help you. Lawyers are very expensive, and will drag things out so that they can continue to be paid. Most countries have Legal Aid Lawyers that are paid for by the government,but you must be qualified to receive that service for free.

For joint custody, this is what is taken into consideration in order to qualify for free Legal Aid Lawyers: your income and expenses, if you own a house, if you have equity in the house, if you have any savings, example: stocks, bonds, etc. All assets must be declared to see if you qualify. A mediator is another option you can use to receive child support and custody.

Joint Custody, Child Support, Mediator, Singles Dating,

The mediator is a mutual individual who listens to both sides, who is unbiased, and who looks out for the best interest of the children. You can go to the court and ask to be assigned to a mediator. The only thing is, you have to be willing to talk your ex. into going to talk to the mediator, because the mediator doesn’t have the power to force him to see him / her.

The mediator charges a lot less than the lawyers do, and you both split the cost. The mediator has the chart to figure out the amount that should be paid for child support payment. You and your ex can come to an agreement before hand about jointcustody since some decisions can be made away from the mediator’s office, and told to him /her upon your next meeting. Doing so cuts down on cost.

Mediators charge by the hour just like a lawyer does, but a mediator is much cheaper. It is up to you if you want to drag out the process. Your best bet is to come to an agreement sooner than later so that you can stop paying. Unlike a Judge who tells you what you should do, with a mediator you both come up with your own rules, that way you are more likely to follow them.

I was told about the mediation process by a friend of mine, after I spent thousands of dollars in legal fees to help us with our joint custody. I wish I had known about mediation before I wasted my hard earned money, and money I didn’t even have. Money I could have spent on my children. My ex-husband and I used the mediator to finalize our child custody, and it was a lot cheaper. In the end we went with decisions that we both came up with and could agree upon.

My advice to you is stop fighting with your ex., and start talking. Try mediation and spend your money on your children instead of giving it to expensive lawyers.

Joint Custody, Go To Children And Divorce