Being Raised By A Single Dad Helped Me, With My Single Mothers Child Rearing
I was suddenly tossed into the single mothers child rearing role and I was devastated. nevertheless, I quickly put my hurt and fear aside, picked myself up and drew back on everything my father did as a single dad. The first thing I did was put my children feelings first. This is exactly what my father did. He put his children first.
Single moms and single dads should keep in mind that their children have already lost one parent, and are very hurt and confused. Sometimes, children put their hurt feelings aside, because they don't want to hurt the feelings of the parent that stayed with them. I know this reality inside out because I have been on both sides of the fence.
Single mother child rearing, is a very difficult situation to be in, but many of us are tossed in that role everyday. sometimes when I get into a tough situation, and I am stuck on what decision to make, I get advice from other single mothers who have been in similar situations. I receive all the resources I can get my hands on. Many magazines have very useful parenting articles.
Get together with other single parents and have fun with your children. When my children were much younger, I got together with other single moms, and we took all the children to Disney World. It was a very good trip. We all had so much fun.

Return From Single Mothers To Busy Moms Dating
Once in a while us single child rearing moms would go out to dinner with the kids, and sometimes we would go out for a drink without the children. I always say that just because you are single, doesn't mean you have to sit around and be lonely and depressed. It would not be fair to you or to the children.
I believe that you should always look for the positive in every negative situation that befalls you. I have shared custody with my ex. yet I am the only one who is raising our kids. This gives me the opportunity to learn everything about them. I get to use the parenting skills that I learned from my single dad without being challenged by the other parent.
I know what parenting style works for my kids, what kind of discipline works for each child, and I learned some new skills along the way.
Did I mention that single child rearing has made me very strong emotionally? Given that I am the only adult in the home, I have to wear all the different hats for both male and female. And sometimes I have to be both at once. Child rearing is a very tough role, but it is even tougher when it is done by only one parent

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